Week 2- Development Update

Week 2 began with a meeting to discuss the requirements of the system and to begin designing the elements which would form the main backbone.

The mockup design sketches that were featured in the previous post were just prototypes of the system to try and allow us to visualise how we would deliver the core question and answer service. This week we have taken those designs and improved them to create what will be the first prototype system.

Fast.Q system mockup
"Demonstrating the layout of the basic fast.q system"

Before we came to these designs we had a short discussion of the types of data which we would be storing in our database. We decided on which types of data we would be storing and the type that these values would be.

We then built the tables in phpMyAdmin and performed a series of SQL queries (related to reading and writing the data as required) to check the table functioned as we wished. Once we have a server to host our website on (coming shortly) we can then implement a php script to post to this database we have created.

Next Week – We will begin to implement a basic system using codeIgniter as a framework and create all the lovely backend DBstuff

Ciao for now!





One thought on “Week 2- Development Update

  1. Great to see you’re using CodeIgniter for your framework. It’s what other developers in CERD and ICT also use. When implementing authentication, you can re-use Alex Bilbie’s OAuth library, which I think the DIVERSE project is also using. Also, please consider using the Common Web Design for your HTML5/CSS3 presentation. It’s flexible enough to be used for different layouts: http://cwd.online.lincoln.ac.uk/3.0/ Alex is working on v3.1, so speak to him about what to expect next. The CWD also integrates with OAuth Single-Sign-On at the university, so really, you shouldn’t have to be writing HTML/CSS or authentication from scratch. (We’d prefer it if you didn’t!)

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